Dr. Firiminus Mugwanya is a Professional Social Worker with a strong teaching and Research focus in Social Development, community development, social change with an Engaged scholarship approach. He holds a PhD with a specialty in Community Development Systems Governance from The School of Law and Government – Dublin City University, Ireland, a Master of Arts Degree in Development Studies with a speciality in Local and Regional Development from The Erasmus International Institute of Social Studies – The Netherlands, and a Bachelors’ degree in Social Work and Social Administration from Makerere University Kampala, Uganda. Currently, he teaches at the Department of Social Work and Social Administration (SWSA), School of Social Sciences, Makerere University Kampala.
Previously he has served as a Graduate Programmes Coordinator (2013-2017), and an undergraduate Programmes Coordinator (2004-2009) at the Department of SWSA. He has undertaken a number of research projects, some of which have been funded through competitive academic research grants resulting into publications in journals and books. He has also provided research and consultancy services to local and international service agencies and a number of Government of Uganda Ministries and Departments