Bernadette J. Madrid, MD is the Director of the Child Protection Unit (CPU) of the University of the Philippines Manila – Philippine General Hospital where she is concurrently Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics. She is the Executive Director of the Child Protection Network Foundation, Inc., an NGO that supports the training of Child Protection Professionals and the development of Women and Child Protection Units in the Philippines. She is a member of several government committees on health, social welfare, law enforcement and the judiciary & is consistently invited to be a resource person for congressional & senate hearings on laws affecting women and children. Dr. Madrid has published several papers on child abuse & neglect which have led to changes in policy and practice in the Philippines. She has been a consultant and trainer for different international agencies such as UNICEF, WHO, UNESCAP & UNFPA. She is a reviewer for Child Abuse & Neglect, the International Journal, Journal of Interpersonal Violence and Trauma, Violence and Abuse. She has engineered changes in the medical, legal and social welfare paradigm on women and child protection in the Philippines that has led to her being the recipient of several national awards.