Juan Camilo González



González holds a PhD in art, design and media from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, with a thesis in data visualization. He holds a master's degree in Animation and Digital Arts from the University of Southern California and a visual artist from the Javeriana University. He has dedicated himself to the creation of animated films, interactive pieces for the Internet and physical computing. He is co-founder of the curatorship and visibility group for Latin American animation Moebius Animación (http://moebiusanimacion.com/). His creations have been exhibited in Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Poland, the United States and China. He currently directs the EnFlujo Laboratory of Digital Narratives https://enflujo.com

His work is located at points of convergence: traditional animation and data, cinema and creative programming, physical computing and drawing, the archive and current events, curatorship and critical writing. He is an assistant professor at Ceper and currently directs the EnFlujo Digital Narratives laboratory.